What’s your opinion on Steel Panther?
Bought Thors hammer and is actually a meat tenderizer. 🔥
Big DAWG sighting at WWE Smackdown tonight
Son bought his first car 😀 but only has tape player, Dad had to pass on the vintage tapes from his teenage years ❤️
Who would hire this mug?? 😂
Bobby Lee Oakerson
Asking your opinion every day about a Tool song Day 36: Vicarious
Kam Patterson is funny 📢
Hannah will look like Tony Sopranos sister when she gets older. 😂
Has anyone watched Heavyweights recently?
Sam’s TV Talk Show
Why was the hands out pose a thing?
First heard this today.
Marcy & some friends
Not enough Devon on this sub. Still my favorite.
Well if they don’t come back. It was a great show. Photo dump throughout the years.
The Christmas spectacular. Enjoy.
Anyone else not use a duvet cover?
Episode 5-2-18 Jay talked about a “cassingle”. Then I remembered I have one. 😂
Fuck Bob kelly
Vol. 5!!! 🔥🔥
Rewatching “I love the 90’s” and saw this guy. 😂
Didn’t get the Netflix deal but did partner with this company. Interesting. 😂
The Big House, Ann Arbor MI