Cry For Me??

Don't get me wrong the song is fire and i saved it to my library but I'm confused on how thematically it fits into the story of Hurry Up Tomorrow?

It seems exactly like an After Hours song. Like literally the first song of HUT is about how he needs to "wake up" and stop slipping away from life, then Sao Paulo is oooh I met a spicy girl then we get a few more vulnerable songs about him relapsing and reminiscing on where he started. It seems like mourning for a love interest is a really random topic that doesn't fit into the rest of the songs about escaping the toxic cycle of always wanting more that The Weeknd is trapped in, it fits much better into After Hours to me, like specifically right after Alone Again.

It seems like After Hours was acknowledging that he desperately needs to be saved (by the love interest of that album), Dawn FM was fear of staying the same and trying to change/be more positive with a new love interest, and HUT starts off by acknowledging nobody else can save him but himself ("I'm all alone when it fades to black") and is about reflecting on everything that led him here rather than missing someone so much that losing them makes him want to OD, that just seems exactly like the whole point of After Hours.

What do you guys think? How do you think Cry For Me fits into the story of the album? The rest of the tracks make sense to me in the context of the story this album is supposed to tell, even Reflections Laughing seems to be about him needing to be viewed well by the public rather than a single person, but this song seems very out of the blue.