The issue of ganking is way overexaggerated on here and in general in the WoW community - have I just gotten lucky?

Now that I've made this post I'll probably be cursed forever but in all my years playing WoW ganking has never been that big of a deal. It happens, you run to your body, maybe they camp you, you go play an alt for a bit or go to an instance and that's that. I don't think I've ever lost significant time leveling due to ganking and the time I have lost feels worth it to me in the longrun because I enjoy World PvP at max level.

What am I missing here? People act like ganking is the equivalent of servers being shut down. You can still play the game, you just have to pivot a bit. I guess its relevant that I'm more of a casual player so I'm no on any strict timeline to try to hit 60 or reach certain goals.

I almost feel like all the people who went to PvE realms to avoid ganking are gloating a bit and driving this narrative of "You're undder 60 you are soooo screwed bro", like alrght we get it you are so thoughtful and smart for choosing a different way to play the game.