SoC’s hints and insights about the afterlife…

I'm not sure which post I stumbled on but I remember some clip or quote from a clip someone on this sub posted where AW paraphrases SoC's insights about the afterlife. Something along the lines about how we're here to develop spiritual growth and when we cross over, there are angels who shows us all the good deeds we've performed on Earth. He even said somewhere that individuals who have experienced immense suffering and chronic illness experience holy healing. This completely contrasts with a whole slew of NDE accounts of the afterlife where they only recall being absorbed into a magnetic white light where they are confronted by counselors, ascended masters, who only point out your wrongdoings and guilt trip you into returning to Earth. But never do they talk about any sort of spiritual healing or resting period in between incarnations. Though keep in mind, I'm more likely to view SoC as the ultimate authority on this matter and I aim to figure out why there are contradictions at play as an MMer who studies spirituality and afterlife. Is it possible that darkness is sowing seeds of deception on this subject?

Edit: I feel like I should have clarified before that I have read the entirety of Michael Newton's Journey of Souls and am very familiar with Dolores Cannon's teachinhgs. The questions I'm posing relate more to the process of reincarnation itself not so much on NDE's since those are souls who have incomplete lifetimes and need to return. I'm really interested to see if SoC is going to share some insights about reincarnation that are unique and we didn't already know as SoC tends to do. There are darker theories about reicarnation (such as the prison planet theory) I'm hoping SoC will dispell.