085 Bird Flu: Stop Eating Chicken | Episode Notes
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Bird Flu origins + goals
- People are experimenting in labs purposely and releasing birds infected with strains of bird flu.
- All flus would die out and disappear if they didn't keep releasing new ones. They are not naturally occurring. Workers are hired by labs and will infiltrate farms to release flus.
- Human flus also released by classified research and science every single year for over 100 years; similar to how COVID got out, different department but very similar.
- There is the potential for bird flu to kill every single bird on the planet.
- The goal is not to kill birds, but to cause the flus to jump and mix with a human flu to create an extremely dangerous bug. They want to maximize the chances of this happening by setting the conditions for lots of people to have both flus at the same time.
- The goal is depopulation. He explicitly mentions "illumination" => the illuminati as being behind it.
- This virus will be created at some point.
Bird flu characteristics
- Flu viruses have an intelligence and want to live forever.
- Bird flu is made to kill birds; it is a killer.
- Human flu strains do not have a hunger for bird flesh, but the bird flu does. Birds die quickly because the bird flu virus ravishes them, gets into their cells quickly, eats their flesh and marrow and bones and destroys their immune system.
- Other flu viruses go after undeveloped protein (like eggs), but bird flu goes after developed protein, the bird flesh. It can feed on undeveloped protein (eggs) as well but thrives most on developed protein.
Precautions and preparations
- It is possible for the human immune system to kill even this dangerous bird flu quickly and with very little damage to the host. It does not have to spread from everyone that gets it.
- Most important precaution: do not eat chicken. Do not eat any birds. This way if you catch it, the virus will not have its top favored food. Residue of chicken and other birds we eat can stay in us for months and months.
- You don't have to stay away from birds, but just don't eat birds.
- For pets: you can still feed them birds if that's what they eat. But if it starts getting more prevalent and you start hearing about it in the news, switch to another protein if you can. If it's the only thing they eat, then it's okay to give it to them, but otherwise try to switch to a different protein.
- Zinc, goldenseal, olive leaf, propolis, vitamin C, celery juice mentioned specifically as tools to combat this flu strain.
God + the Light
- Where there is darkness, there is always light. The light can battle the darkness and win.
- God knows their game and keeps and eye on what is happening here. God sends his angels here.
- The scale will tip when it's time, and God watches carefully. This next attack will be met by the light. Again and again, they will be there for the fight.
- This time they will not hold back because the bio warfare has escalated and the potential for disaster is too great.