Best desktop setup under $5k
Budget and location - Hoping to spend less than $5k USD but can be up to 10k if that's where the magic happens. I'm in the US.
How the gear will be used - This will go on/near my desk. Will be used mainly for music but also youtube and video conferencing.
New or used - I don't think I would mind used but if new is only 20% more then I'll buy new.
Past gear experience - Recently bought and returned some Vanatoo transparent zeros. Thought that could be good enough for my desktop but they really didn't have the detail I would like. My AKG K7XX headphones through a Chord Mojo had noticeably more clarity.
So since the Vanatoos didn't scratch my itch I am hoping to get the best desktop system I can without going into the five figures. I understand I will likely have to demo some things, but would like to have some idea of where to start. I don't know much about hifi, but I know that I really value the emotional feeling I get from music, and I think a big part of that is having very clear crisp sound. Also missing the bass that my headphones can't provide.
Since this is a desktop setup I'll be sitting pretty close to the speakers, and ideally the speakers are okay being somewhat close to a wall. Also, ideally the electronics would be somewhat compact so it can fit in my desk. Does it make sense to try to use my Mojo as a DAC for the speakers?
I was thinking the PS Audio Sprout100 for integrated amp but I've heard some people say it's not great and it seems to measure poorly although I don't know how that would translate to in person experience.
Thanks for any pointers, greatly appreciate it!