Looking for best PC FPS controller
Recommendations for 2.0 system including AVR around $5k
Best desktop setup under $5k
[LPT] WhatsApp group having only yourself can be used to exchange data between PC and phone. Can be useful if you don't have cable
DIY Anti-Nosedive Wheels
Is there any strap as good as the DAS?
/r/headphones Purchase Help Thread (2018-02-12)
/r/headphones Purchase Help Thread (2018-02-11)
/r/headphones Purchase Help Thread (2018-02-07)
HELP ME CHOOSE Monthly Sticky
I have 3 Legend of Luca keys to give away! Winners will be chosen when this post is 3 hours old.
Version 0.29.3 on play store, has "minor text fixes"
Color Wavelengths
ViveCraft updated with proper virtual keyboard support.
Oculus' VR-optimised UE4 Renderer source code released for use with any headset. Potential 70%+ framerate increases.
Google Shows HTC Vive Running at 90 FPS in Chrome with WebVR
Incredible...(xpost r/HoverJunkers)
May Orders Unite! Who has had a May slated delivery date that has received shipping or the Vive itself? I am April 8th order... May shipping... No word yet You?
5820k with 980ti. Reliable build?
Ready to pull the trigger ... Any last minute changes?
Will this setup be reliable and physically durable for transport?
Reliable VR Build
AMD vs Intel/Nvidia for portable VR machine