My Crash Bandicoot game tier list
Playstation Console Exclusives This Gen
A ka nanji qe ben collect CDs ne shqiperi?
this is what the next fromsoft game should be
The traits on this Pyroshell Caster looking a little NSFW
What will the next Fromsoft protagonist title/name be?
Who in your life supports your love of Gregory without really understanding it?
Donacione për partitë e reja
Kush plasi fishekzjarre tek kodra e diellit para 2 minutash
What plan would you put in motion if you were in the series?
If you could add any extra content to the N. Sane Trilogy, what would it be?
Urrejtje e pashpjeguar per gjera koti
What advanced c# and/or .NET concepts are expected of a Senior .NET developer?
Rendesi ka Partia.
budget gay ass brat edc in 2025 lol
If you could go back to any soulsbornkirodenring game and smell one thing, what would it be?
Ke parti me sygjeroni te votoj, si diaspore.
I can't cross this bridge because I have stick drift🥲
Të majtë apo të djathtë?
Tell me anything, and I'll connect it to skong
The First GitGud Lord
23f showed this to my brother he said “it’s a good photo for what you’re doing”
Tech Leaders Provide 14 Cloud Predictions for 2025
If you use .Net for backend and other frontend like React, Vue.js. Do you use 2 IDE? VS and VsCode?