Friend wants $ to go on my stream
[Discussion] What's the difficulty of the platinum(s) you're currently working on?
[Stray] Such a beautiful game
chapter selection question
[Discussion] What platinums are you working on currently?
Loved every minute of this game
Absolutely loving this game
anyone know why I keep getting this every time I sign on YouTube app?
Can honestly say what a phenomenal game , not as hard as I expected when I learnt the mechanics , ixiom gave me most trouble but 3rd,4th and 5th boss went down first try
POV Footage of Syrian Rebels in the ranks of the LNA in May of 2020, it is unclear if their position took a direct hit or it was the cause of their own negligence.
i have this arctis 7 and i looked online and i have seen some that look like this but others that don't is this a special version
English pal just send me this Twitter screenshot. Very much looking forward to the upcoming invasion
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[BO] Gets my vote for the best lobby music. Volume up is a must.
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