Best royal rares for a deck that you DO NOT play.
Rating request 0_0
How to fix the Xbox freeze
This one was obvious. Now let Lucio and Tracer mains fight over the last spot
With 150+ upvotes Echo is the Android of the team. now who's the Ninja?
Tell me what deck you play and I’ll tell you if it’s ethical Yu-Gi-Oh or not.
Ball rework has probably been the worst rework since ow2 release
Gundam being dismantled
How did these giant aircrafts not get immediatly taken down by the military of every country they flew across
Shout out!
What is your most unpopular duel links opinion
Yu-Gi-Oh's Ark Day 3. Kuriboh secures his entry in! Most popular/Upvoted Monster gains entry.
I mean, I also got my staple cards but... I FINALLY I GOT HIM!!
I got a concept for some new heroes but no clue on names but 1 for each role
An updated hanamura?
Favorite waifu card? Mine is Apollousa.
I'm ready to get flamed for my opinions.
Yugioh protags be like “it’s not over till the last card is played” and this is the field
I made a sword out of a 2x4
Can y'all add to the list in the comments lmao
Coke please
Which character/s have your favorite voicelines in the game?
New or rare doom bug? To add to his 50+