Just got this gem when I was travelling over the holidays
Groceries in Ruse, cheaper to cross boarder for shopping?
I liked that Regular Show added 80s music in some episodes!
My grandparents’ passport combo!
The calmest balkan passanger!
Намерено в нета
Based multilingual Balkans
Today’s hunt in Rome, I’m already in love with the croatian 2 euro, my new rarest coin
Full set of Turkish Lira
Vintage News - Brits react to new flavours of crisps in 1981
Meanwhile in Romania -
Mexico's President is secretly Bulgarian ?
Едно меме на тема история - Майката на Иван Вазов ненавиждала невестата му и е една от причините за тяхната раздяла
Coffee - the Balkan crystal ball
How easy is socialising (making friends but also regularly spending time with them) in your nation?
What is the most remote part of your country?
Some Chinese yuan and Shanghai dollar (10s) and two sets of Bulgarian note which go from 3 - to 200. I
Това се случва в училище което бива топ 50 в България
Average child's birthday cake in BULLgaria
The Soviet version of the Space Shuttle - Buran - taking to the skies for the first and final time. November 15, 1988. [1000x917]
Опекох си торта за рождения ден, но нямаше кой да ми честити
Baba Vanga predicted that America is BG Clay
Is this the perfect map of the Balkans ?
Gues the old town in bulgaria
Just drove by a pile of crushed Cybertrucks and other Teslas on the freeway