Rummage Sale, Yes You Can Still Find Cool Records
Best food in Beaverton for an average tuesday night?
What do you think Moash's role will be in storm light 5
Which plant would you keep in this pot?
10+ cop cars including armored/swat looking unit at plaid pantry near Murray and Farmington?
Another Reality Check About The Future/Trump 2.0
Should I use these or keep them safe on display?
My buddy said "Build a computer for my daughter....she likes pink."
This is my **5 year** work anniversary gift from my Fortune 500 employer. 100% Not joking.
Christmas Tree Disposal?
The biggest improvements in retold
Coming to US (Portland) for the first time. What should I bring for winter?
How's the single player content in Retold?
Well, I only care about the RTS games I grew up with tbh
Former Age of Empires developer says the RTS genre's stuck in a rut: 'you're still playing the same game'
So why do so many drivers spam their honks in the US 26 tunnel
Non-english languages often have words that mean something specific, like "hill overlooking the rapid waters" or "radiant flower nearly in bloom" (these are made up examples). Does English have any words like this?
Relic visibility.
First test after a restore. Works Awesome!
Random Map: river_styx failed to load
"There is no getting around the fact that he repeats the phrase 'simply having a wonderful Christmastime' 17 times": A music professor breaks down the theory behind Paul McCartney's Wonderful Christmastime
Advice: Lost 20 times
Quick sanity check: your USA standard gas station only has one liquid pump per tank/grade
Where you get sushi platter and bathroom vanity?
What it looks like when I make the fucking pastabake.