Could I possibly get this gigantic dent and scratches fixed myself? 2012 Honda Civic
[Pistol]HK SP5 Pistol 8.86" 30+1 Black Black Polymer Grip Two Mags $2349.99
Wool & Prince Blended Tee Review
M18 Drywall screw gun kit hack
M12 150mm random orbital sander
Made the switch from pneumatic
Freshman fall schedule
Starting to think being on this sub is a bad idea..
equalizer cut out blade tool?
Is it totally normal for Amazon to just take a $100+ loss on a return?
bluedriver obdII($80) or autel ms808s ($400)
Bernzomatic torch question
It seems that CS students here are doing just fine finding jobs upon graduation
How much do you spend on groceries per month?
Do most graduates find an entry level job ?
Why is nearly everyone doing CS when there are almost no entry level positions?!
Can I take 4 classes a semester with a completely free schedule?
Didn't get into CLA with a 3.71
What is better for a resume?
What do I need to minor in ME?
Am I ready for physics if I forgot calc?
Returning p1s combo due to new stupid firmware
Hey Guys finally got my....
Double major in ME and CS