Is bhadve ko koi kuch nahi bolega??
Farewell fit<3 cuz sarees weren’t allowed
Will interstellar have interval?? Imax
I wish such swift action was also taken against rapists
She did me bad 😔
Feedback on my app that supports 20+ diagrams types
Yes it is very important 🤡
Damm they're so fast 😭
So there's one more now 💀
fuck relationship posts, see this
Kalesh - This guy stopped a girl to propose to her, but when she rejected him, he started attacking her.
Everybody was talking about sky so i thought why not this
Since everyone is doing, here's my attempt to show SKY in Ahmedabad
What do we rate this rizz ?
Sabeer Bhatia on UPI
Amdavad morning sky lately
My phone doesn't show adds on YouTube. I don't have yt premium, nor i have adblocker or something.What could be the reason ?🙂
Found these in an abandoned showroom of HONDA
No more seperate posts for sunset/sunrise/sky photos (rule applicable for a few weeks at least)
Ahmedabad sky is just so sexy nowadays
Orange cat discovers panic button
True That.
Sorry Christopher nolan
I cannot emphasize more !!!