Trump betrayed his base
I’ve heard back from neurology
2 questions on older Rubicon
I. Need. Work.
Trying to get diagnosed for the 2nd time
Getting older
Does anyone's partner get annoyed with your tics?
Local restaurant by me yes this is real ( aqua blu in Tom’s River NJ )
The Way Down (Gwen Shamblin)
I don’t even recognize the man in the newly released presidential portrait. It must be an AI generated image or it’s been photoshopped. The image on the left looks nothing like the Trump I’ve seen for the last eight years…
Why can’t I see the option to make an anonymous post in any group I’m in, even though they’re definitely enabled in said groups?
Credit card compromised?
Year model Q
what is with this weird jerking off dance? who honestly does this?
Decisions have consequences
So I did a thing today! Unexpectedly special!
Who ya gonna crawl?
Casino app that's realistic?
1986 wagoneer
Kash Patel FBI director
How to settle on a selling price
Willys Jeep MB, 1941-1945
Got rear ended the other day. Help me guess how fast the other guy was going!
Ohio Jeep Factory
Im gonna go to the restroom tomorrow during church and stay in there until the end of the service.