Character concept art book?
Stop stealing goth culture, embrace the beast!
No More
Is this sub... dying?!
Do vampires need their lungs?
Do you think modding is the future of GTA Online?
oh thats right, another reason why GTA 4 is so goated, there is NO happy ending for niko. is GTA 6 gonna have an ending as ballsy as this one? shit...I don't know man...I hope it does but I don't know.
Using Salubri-friendly language!
Safe single player modding
Getting rage kicked for this is insane 😭
V5 lore question: Do Kindred have fingerprints?
Masquerade Violation
Do you prefer realistic skating or comp?
How should one go about trying to kill an elder koldun in his own domain?
The mods at r/shittydarksouls have lost it
Does VTM seem to attract an unusually large amount of toxic people
Opinion on this guy?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Hot take but Sawbone's unmarked quest is one of the best moral questions in gaming.
No audio when using Nivida broadcast as my mic input
Could a wight be mistaken as a nosferatu
Take away his 3d printer
Grimm wants to say thanks!
"You're not a vampire if you can cry". Thousands of vampires crying in 2012: