Doctors? Doing their job!???
"Trans women have it easy" Did I make a bigger fuss then I needed to?
How do you deal with a really intelligent mouse?
Yae Miko cosplay by me 🩷
Two Amazon robots with equal Artificial Intelligence
How to get lots of coal quickly?
*Screaming that breaks the time-space continuum*
I was told i can't have pms symptoms, because I don't menstruate.
A delivery driver refused service due to a customer’s attitude! This highlights the importance of respect in service industries—kindness matters! What’s your take! 🤔
Nooooooooooo trans conversion therapy was the worst thing to have happened in my life(and i've been ser on fire by a family member)!! I worked so hard to have it revoked, never succeeded in my country T-T please say no to torture
How I get one of those jobs?
my girlfriend wont download firefox. should i break up with her?
Why do women seem to be way more accepting than men?
What type of sword would you want your proposal sword to be?
T'is Is truly a wonderful day to be on the internet.
Maybe that’s why your meme sucks?
The fact that their first response to this was “listen to Weezer you’ll get all the guys” is disgusting af
“When archaeologists dig you up, what will they think? You can always tell!” Apparently not. It took 17 years for police to realise a murder victim was a trans woman…
This person is GENIUS
Gine: As per Space News Network, Moro's in space Guantanamo detained? Good.
The op asked for disabled peoples opinions on this, i gave mine and got downvoted and gaslit, does this happen to you guys? the other disabled people were downvoted too
Is it me or does Charles the Bold look like Dan?
Very weird transphobic rant I got from a girl in my class.