This took 3 hours off of my life but looks cool I think
General Questions & Tech Support Megathread | October 25, 2024
My PS4 Pro won’t turn on. Does somebody know what could be the issue?
Telefon tiltása munkahelyen. Ez így jogszerű?
Who is arguably the Greatest human or even living being to ever live?
Long and hard lines focused edit
My second vid that I made. Hope u like it 😌🙏🏼
Since all the great feedback I got (which I really appreciate) on my first vid, made a part 2!
Comment pictures of your ratties and I will draw them for you! 🎨 ✏️ 🐀
Since ps2 games are coming to deluxe now, what are you hoping for?
Leírás/útmutató pártokhoz?
akai makes good synthesizers (mpk mini mk3)
The first video I made
What is the saddest song ever?
Van köztetek olyan akinek fiatalon nincs "vadászösztöne"?
Titeket mivel riogattak gyerekkorotokban?
If you could live in any universe, movie, game, etc, what would it be and why?
What was the shortest amount of time you've ever held a job? why?
why everyone so obsessed about boruto time skip
What’s something someone did that instantly led you to unfriending them?
What kind of pizza do you always get?
What's your best comeback for inconsiderate strangers who force their religion on you?
Hii! Please help me! Who is she and what manga is she from?