I’m a 17 year old high-school student. What’s a skill I could learn to make money
Get the President on the phone...I just got tired of paying taxes
Nurse Anesthetist - 40M
My first month of 2025 - 23yo software engineer
VA rating and getting in reserve or guard PJ
IamA JCU Recruiter. AMA!
32m - Software engineer with a backstory
Which screen style do you prefer?
Mentorship Monday - Post All Career, Education and Job questions here!
Cybersecurity VS Software Engineering
28M Cybersecurity Consultant
My photos as a 17y photographer with a Sony a6100
80 series, or buy first 100?
Few shots that I’m proud of from 2024
TOTALITY - my favorite memory of the year. Sony AR3 and Tamron 150-500 mm.
Haworth Returns/customer service issues?
Post grad
Upgrading the Orion 5000.
My Tokyo seller said this kit is excellent++ only needs a CLA. Is this a good deal?
Needing to purchase a gaming/editing monitor.
Anyone still got their Alienware AW3423DWF?
What’s everyone else using for desk setups?
Haworth Fern mesh vs digital knit
How large can 120 be printed while keeping the most amount of detail?
Few Months with the A6700