Is this actually works?
Apologies if wrong sub , I used some scrap wood and spray paint to make my kid a 3d printing station.
What is this country? Wrong answers only
Windows updated and killed my print
My contribution to that thing we absolutely should not do.
Tabletop bowling game I modeled myself from scratch...
Are there any 3d printed supports for large plugs?
Rate my setup?
It might have cost more than a commercially available option, but I can add more bins to it if I need them
Need help/advice please
Is there any way to make this model stop snapping off with supports?
Ok holdup I gotta print this now
3D printable octopus-inspired tentacle robots
LOL, Bambu changed their website to backpedal the whole mess from yesterday. Louis explains that they deleted and reworded a lot of stuff on their website.
How to use a single indicator lamp to monitor 2 independent circuits
I’m not quite sure why I didn’t do this YEARS ago….It carts around, and it holds over 70 rolls of filament!
Who up?
Any idea what might be causing this? Only seems to happen on long strokes
why is this still a thing and why was it marked as closed on the github when this is a massive bug?? creality print has solved this ffs
ABS nostalgia
20-hour print, but well worth it.
Feature request: let me upload a black and white texture that will be used on the first layer to create images or patterns in the layer lines.
Qidi X-Max 3 extruder issue?
Error uploading to print host.
Boyfriend wants to dry filament in the same oven we use for cooking food. Is it food safe?