I think my dog might die soon
Is it possible to make a 3rd hydra team with my selection of champs?
Bonus points to anyone which game this concept is from (not the item) :)
Hey uhh Odysseus, how exactly are you-
How would your daily life change if immigrants disappeared from infrastructure like transportation, healthcare, etc.?
People on the right, where do you feel like you and the left disagree on trans issues?
Democratic people: Do you folks think Americans should come before anyone?
An observation I noticed but can’t explain.
Wouldn't it be nice to know what's behind ? ?
What if we mixed gatorade, water, and lemonade together and waited for it to evaporate? Would it take longer to evaporate than pure water and would anything be left behind?
For conservatives only, if you’re happy with trumps term so far, which aspects are you happiest about the most?
Let's play around with Metallicize a little bit shall we :)
Who likes a free turn 1?
Posting my Dota-based custom cards and relics Day 40: Huskar
Turns out, it's a really bad idea to get on trains.
Back with another boss relic, this one might be a little too harsh but let's see
A little math with primals
ELI5: How does genetic altercation work?
Sooo originally this was going to be available for all classes but then a certain class got in the way of balancing. So, this is [IC EXCLUSIVE] now
What is your take on Trump’s apparently disregard for expert opinion?
NEW RULE ANNOUNCEMENT: No more posts that ask “how do you feel now?”
What can I do about Trump?
People in the miliatry tend to vote Republican and Trump. Do you have a possible explanation for this?