iespejams? vai ne?
Since "Was (insert band here) Grunge?" seems to be a consistently asked question here ...
Is Silverchair grunge?
“Sit and drink Pennyroyal Coffee…” - Kurt chilling somewhere in 1989.
Absolutely insane how good this album is
mike krol's discography tierlist
What did Thom mean by this
An AI imagined (fully hypothetical) meeting between Daniel Johns and Craig Nicholls, set in the early 2000s when both Silverchair and The Vines were at the height of their fame.
What's the most loud, crazy and deep scream Kurt has ever recorded?
30 years ago today, on February 19, 1995, the Foo Fighters played their first-ever live show at a keg party at the Marine Store in Seattle [x-post /r/ThirtyYearsAgo]
Keisucc is peak
Lets be honest.
Liam Lynch - Fake Pixies Song
Loveless if Kevin Shields was a pianist
Graham Coxon´s non-Blur career / body of work as a whole
The Vines on Vinyl
Thoughts on Gmod “Movies”?
Anybody know who runs the instagram page?
The Vines Studio Acapella Versions
Īsts bengers
GTA IV Liberty City Hardcore radio jingles, pretty good hardcore punk parody!
My take on the “Bleach”-Album cover (plus source pic)
apple music's bug which I have dubbed the "schizophrenia bug"