When is beta ending?
Desktop audio coming through microphone when using an interface?
Please help I am getting computer audio into my mic input when I select the 2i2 4th gen as an output.
Mic Audio No Longer Working
Meet the transformation gang 🍦🍫🧀
Pure Vanilla's awakened form is out. WDYT?
Musk’s DOGE teen was fired by cybersecurity firm for leaking company secrets
Anyone have any issues streaming this on phone/mobile through twitch?
No audio coming from Cookie Run Kingdom or my microphone when streaming, but the moment I go to the twitch app; it streams the audio perfectly? Awhile ago, this worked with no issues=..
Forced to log into twitch each time I boot the game up?
Our days of dying to The Moo are certainly coming to a middle
TIL the graveyard wallpaper has a ghost that moves around when you turn the lights off&on
Downloaded this game after 4 years and glad to see the community hasn't changed
Can we PLEASE buff legendary star drops?
Valve recently added a small note to early access games
Elon being Elon.
Headphones that are good like Hifiman XS, but can survive me having a seizure?
Selkie the mink 🥰
Friend still getting the 99% freeze bug, and heavy stutters when he can get in game.
The change to UE5 was a complete waste of resources, even the characters looked better in 4
Here’s what Ajax has to say on Tony
since we re all gonna die, Say your most sincere opinion about anything in the game
the non-political comics are actually pretty funny
What was Garnet destroying in together breakfast?