Why is there a city called Bluefields in Nicaragua? Why did it keep its colonial name and not change to a Spanish equivalent? Is English still spoken there? Tell me some interesting facts about this city/region
Mantap Madura United Menang!!!!
What is Indonesia's odd-even traffic policy?
🇹🇱 What are some things East Timor/Timor Leste does better than Indonesia?
Mengapa Muslim di Malaysia & Indonesia bertingkah aneh kepada negara Iran ketika bicarakan hal ehwal Palestin/Israel?
Now who did this 😭
Why bargaining taxi is a national sport ?
I'm 21M, I tend to cry when stressed out. How can I resist crying?
Might be a dumb question, but how did Islam got all the way from the middle east to the Malay archipelago? Has to be sea trade right?
Any (pria) komodos pernah kerja-tinggal di gulf countries/MENA? Ngalamin hal dibawah ini gak? Ada yg bilang SEA men klo ke gulf/MENA, mainly filo & indo men suka dapet pelecehan verbal/ditawari intercourse oleh arab guy.. Kok bisa gitu ya? What's their background to act that way? SEA men = femboy? ☠
Why's Malaysian Camo everywhere?
There's an imposter among us 🐟🐟
The Brunei's way forward to development
Dua pendapat berbeda perihal Zonasi. Setuju yang mana?
What r u pinoy
Filipinas no tiene espacio en la Hispanidad hasta que no se recupere el español en el plan de estudios primarios y secundarios públicos y privados
Kereta Api Kelas Ekonomi Dulu Dan Sekarang
Wdyt dengan aturan sepatu (atau secara umum pakaian) khusus untuk seleksi kompetensi dasar CPNS?
Do you speak a regional language from Indonesia?
Menurut kalian kementrian apa yg seharusnya bisa digabung? Atau malah ditiadakan?
All together now: Southeast Asia must act collectively in the South China Sea | The Strategist
Ini berkat bahasa resminya emang bahasa indonesia
Indian visitor insisted to pray his own way, challenging the temple custom & the temple priest. Pura Tirta Empul, Bali, Indonesia.
Name a region more densely populated than Java
this is the hottest jam 12 malam i ever had (weather)