What's the best facial expression from the show?
Does my makeup suit my face?
Makeup advice? I have no idea what to do with under eyes, foundation, plush, bronzer ugh
I'll Pass, thanks
The worst thing Dumbledore ever did
What can I do better? Do I need contour?
Favorite Dwight moment?
What's a word you pronounced incorrectly once, and it still haunts you?
I feel like my mid face is missing something. I'm only wearing mascara and brow pen - what do I need? Eyeshadow?
What was the best season?
The worst thing each character has done Day 1: Captain Holt
Why did Jim want Dwight Christmas so badly?
I never knew I needed to see John Krasinski ice skating in a latex suit as Goldenface until I actually saw it 😂
What's your favorite insult in The Office?
Like 95% of the things my 5 year old needs to tell me immediately
My 15 year old sheep
I had a bad hunting day
I can READ IT in his voice
Art by @InevitableImmediate9
When do you find you find who you are?