The Neowsletter - March 2025
Dansk sushikæde anmeldte sig selv på Trustpilot
Best React Native Version for a WhatsApp Clone? 🤔📱
Regeringen vil udelukke voldtægtsforbrydere fra nattelivet
It was so nice, I got it twice.
4/5 players on my team dealt almost the same amount of damage, just over 37000
If your name has a regional tag (EUW, KR1, BR1 etc), you're going to be forced to change it soon.
uBlock Origin is gone...Any Alternative?
Well, since the two "superpowers" are in cahoots, nuclear armageddon is apparently off the table. Putin wants to play? Let's play.
but but how will i CAW?!? 😭
But I don't wanna take Tiny House...
average turn one
29-årig dømt for jokes om jøder og sorte
After so many years I came back to the game. Advice on selling the house
What would be the obtain method for the Watcher's key?
Came home to find my fiancee playing a run with this crazy opening hand.
New Neutral Card Revealed - Barkshield Sentinel
What cards do you take duplicates of?
You got a license for that?
its a shame i could feel an app was made with react native
Anon can’t fathom how hecking awesome reddit is
Ecto vs choker: battle of the bad relics
Should I take Black Blood here? I'm not sure if I have enough sustain.
Why are you still here?