Garlic civilization
Just started smoking a pipe
A strange question. Has anyone here had MTF gender dysphoria, started taking estrogen based HRT, and then stopped, and after having stopped, their dysphoria was resolved? (Details in post)
What not to do
How much advanced notice would we get prior to a mass revoking of passports held by trans people?
It was a good night
What might happen if your name on your passport and SSN are different
Smoking Section
State of the collection
Prince Albert in my MM Huck Finn pipe
Estate sale estate pipe
Just some Rolf-isms!
Managed to snag a single tin of stuff EGRPB before it all sold out
FDA proposes capping nicotine
NPD + more tobacco + new display
Sutliff Sunrise in a Savinelli 673 KS, coffee and a chocolate truffle. Have a great day, fellow pipe smokers.
The holy grail of all my years of thrifting. Beaded and embroidered Zodiac by Mucha.
What was the 4th Flavor in K.N.D?
Transfemme suspenders/egg suspenders
I’d say he’s definitely smoking something with burleyHee! What you say?
Club Fit
Total War on Reppers
When do you typically take your Christmas decorations down?
Hello Collectors! What can you tell me about this piece here?
Sainchamsageom (literally: Great Four Tiger Sword, forged during the lunar hour/day/month/year of the Tiger) demon-slaying sword, Great Joseon Korea [910x3000]