Color scheme for a newbie
Character selection for a new player ?
Update on my Deathwing Army
❌ Death Company 6/10 ❌
The first of my successor chapter
Ender 3v2 neo to A1 mini ?
Hellblasters, just need basing. I do love fluorescent paints.
Behold My First Battle-Ready Marine
Under extrusion ?
Combat patrol ?
Gap on layer
Deathwing assault is good to start ?
Need help on first layer
Blocks and tiles to add verticality to battle maps
New miniature.
Try a big project : Jinx Arcane
My new Genasi Sorcerer
Today i tried a new Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
Oh my God it's actually happening.
Bmth Wallpaper
This shirt on french ADS BiEnWeL VeNuEcOMe ( sorry potato picture )
Make Australia GRFat"
No sandwich for me :(
A new one at mondial du tatouage by lewismckechnie