the amish mafia strikes again. with inflation they're basically billionaires now.
american grandpas be like
NYC chopped cheese has changed my life
all of canada in shambles at freedom poutine
The Preserve Jupiter,FL-L
Biggest state on state beef
Cana-cucks who think they can invade the us😂
always remind your foreign friends that their countries exist because we allow it
the disease is real unlike alcoholism or lupus
Brazillian Barry does it better
if you understand michigan roads, you side with the driver
Uncle Sam will know if you're lying.
I miss the good old times
True North GC, Mich. -L
65 years 4 months and 8 days since we copped a fresh star :(
new battle lines drawn. even the south is divided. Red Hot is the majority winner and therefore we shall run the country.
plz bring me biscuit an gravy before you die
A counter offer
Found this in my closet.
Total Cultural Victory
German man having a great time singing "country road"
Stereotypes of Murican states?
Honestly, I'd aim higher.
i'm considering home defense options (suggestions welcome). is a leopard tank enough to keep my land safe from intruders?
we need emergency hershey's bars and graham crackers out west. STAT!
only the usa can stop wars abroad.
In all seriousness, thank you to our neighbors