First to get Super Compatibility wins absolutely nothing
Name 3 overrated bjork songs and name 3 underrated ones
I decided to look up my Astro cartography and it is genuinely depressing
What's our compatibility?
what's our compatibility??
fav bjork song?
how many do you recognize?
How compatible are we
Show Me Your Sunday 5x5’s!
what albums do you consider the most "rym-core" of all?
Please recommend Kpop songs with amazing high notes
tragic, dramatic vibe
Konačno smo dobili odgovor na jedno od najtežih i nikada neodgovorenih pitanja ovog subreddita. Gde izlaze gotičarke? Dame i gospodo gotičarke izlaze na blokade. Hvala lepo.
childlike things and the butchered japanese
recommend me underrated songs that you genuinely never hear people talking about/recommending
What's your number 1 kpop song?
V1 MoC 12-1 E0S0 Aglaea/Tribbie/Sunday/Robin 4 costs against Kafka
when will the space feature come out on Android
U četvrtak (9.januara) u 11h ispred Jovine gimnazije obeležavanje završetka njihove blokade. Pozvani svi građani!
First song you listened to in 2025?
Trenutno u Nišu
CMV: Astrology is not a science, it’s a scam
Real Herta Lightcone via Shiroha TL by Seele
1€ Breakfast At Belgrade Uni
How popular is brown eyed girls in Korea?