[AIO] Update on cousin situation
Which game would you survive?
Which side are you guys on?
Who is she and do they still make her?
So we're just homophobic now? 😭😭
Is this a baby? Help please
[19] hello to my future bf
Js found out my classmate has had 5-6 abortions
A place that takes 8 days to get there
Case when chat disagrees with his food takes
How much can you guys deadlift?
So, Incest, Pedophilia and Necrophilia at the same time... Ew brother ew
Thoughts on Spooky Time?
Dan doesn’t care for Grey’s Anatomy, he’s busy grooming himself and being adorable
You know what
Petition to make Case play this game.
UPDATE: AIO to boyfriends response to my hysterectomy
Found baby! Help identify!
Which Tank?
AIO for feeling uncomfortable with the way my old cousin (28M) texts me?
Update on orphaned babies: the other mom is now feeding them!!!!
Type Coke OK with your sight organ closed.
AIO to my boyfriend’s response to my hysterectomy?
I’m taking care of 15 orphaned baby mice until I can find a rescue to take them. What is the best way to feed them formula? It’s really hard to get them to drink