Does anybody else also forgot everything before their major trauma took place?
The worst thing about autism is wanting to communicate but being unable to.
If psychology doesn't workout for you, what would be your back up plan?
COTA: failed my 7 times
Tired of being an inspiration
Therapist said I can text them
I was just a fucking kid, man
I habe moderate to severe autism and other disability, AMA
Why am I so bad at coding?
My therapist agreed :)
Have you ever wanted your therapist to yell at or scold you?
I just failed my first college exam that everyone else passed
Probs a me thing, but DAE feel patronized by therapy?
Can you be rude to your therapist?
Is it worth showing up to therapy even when I'm unable to 'do the work'?
Meds that work for the flashbacks/racing thoughts?
For reference
Does kiddo need after school ABA at home? No behaviors.
I took a break
Can this help someone with avoidance traits cause of past rejection from being autistic?
How rupture repair works with most therapists
Trauma is making it difficult to communicate in the workplace
What to do when ignoring doesn't work
Is planned ignoring and extinction now frowned upon in aba??