Meanwhile with magicians: Series Episode 7
Teaching the next generation
Which Rinnosuke ships is the best?
Imagine if kasen found Junko in Senkai...
Is there any fairies in the outside world
Fan theory: Yukari is the kami from the hakurei shrine.
How about Marisa give a genuine attempt serve Okina?
Time to piss yall off even more! Tier list on how much I like these characters based on which ones i know so far(Art by Dairi)
Talk on Mamizou
If there are still people who believe in Youkai (or any supernatural being), then why arnt they in the outside world?
Aren't the oni and vampires of the series too cooperative based on their profiles?
Youkai Rebirth
Fairies the superior species in Touhou as whole
Mizuchi doesn't think PC-98 is canon.
Meanwhile with magicians: Series Episode 6
Do you prefer lighter or darker Touhou fanwork?
One day, the Great Hakurei Barrier is gone...and the outside world sees them
What would be Rinnosuke's reaction regarding Marisa in LE latest chapter?
Speculative idea, if the Hakurei Barrier did really fall, who would really disappear? and who wouldn't?
Getting back to Meiling
Now here's someone i don't talk about much: Komachi.
Does someone know a fanfiction which tell a backstory for Sakuya ? It’s better if the fanfiction is centered on it.
I'm confused about Byakuren and Reimu in touhou 12