Yn thnk yvl slattah ain bou tht yvl shi gng shi no lame shi on skib on gng dn ht or u gn pmo fr
No post, no album
New Thug snippet
BREAKING NEWS: u/subject-property-343 has not posted in two days
The Ultimate r/playboicarti gamble
I got the album early. Here's the credits for the first song
What songs do you want on the album.
Round 2 | Quarters | 2024 vs YVL
I swear the same 40 people comment I don’t understand how posts will even get 1k upvotes
Realistically and I mean truly realistically
Please for the love of God...
This is the stage we’re at
So what do we think might happen today?
Ya all gonna hate but it’s happening
Where tf subject property been I feel like he’s been suspiciously quiet
How do people know that that's his burner account?
Check if subject property has the first post of I AM MUSIC
It might actually be time for Playboi Farti to drop the album
Yo can you guys stop posting 4 like 11 hours
Like come on this is so exciting
I bet my career on this
Carti says he’s dropping the album
Carti responds to a comment
Spotify just tweeted 👀
carti hints at a march 7th release via new fitpic