(Why 2025 will mark the end for Jett (kinda)) Follow-up #1
Which guns/abilities need a price change in your opinion?
Chamber is actually doing quite well
What is the page from the webcomic you guys most want to get redrawn by murata or chapter
Tell me ur opinions on fracture
Upcoming Deadlock buffs will NOT be towards her sound sensors
thoughts on chamber
Webcomic 152 (RAW)
Chamber Was Done Dirty
Should Sentinels Get Their Own Skin Line like the team ace bundle?
Should I main the op?
Nocturnum Scythe is goated
Which agent has the most annoying voice?
clove makes the game less fun
Is jett still the most played agent ever? Or u think people tend to play other agents now ahah
Anyone Quitting Valorant?
Dudes aim is insane
Is Chamber actually good for the grind ?
“Skye needs a buff” is greatly exaggerated
Clove is the best ranked character no?
Why is Immortal so much tinier?
Why choke points kill chamber
What are the disadvantages of streaming as a professional player?
Most of my valorant friends are no longer playing.
Chamber really need a global trap