What did y'all like about Shadows so far ?
Ok i trust complitely the new leads of the Halo games if they're the same dudes I see in the LIVEs
I would have liked to have a look at romances in the new gameplay. Hopefully will see them before the release.
Hype down after the streams
Can I ask you guys a question how in the hell are they gonna do 70 chapter with another 3 seasons plus 20 if we count epilogue
Which team would you like to see in a spin-off Halo fps/tps?
Can we get a game where we back to fighting covenant again?
Buck tells you: "Every other Spartan. Every soldier, when they hear about this. They are going to hate us. You know that, right?" How do you respond to him?
Am I the old one under 20~25 in this community.
Something I wish the anime is gonna do differently (spoilers ahead)
Does Chief's Mark VI (Gen 3) suit in Infinite still have the built-in jetpacks on its back protrusions like the Mark VI (Gen 2) from Halo 5?
Answer sincerely, Have you ever seen someone actually argue their hatred for Shadows with valid/logical arguments? (Outside of this community.)
I think I fell out of love from this franchise
How are people still saying that Shadows pales in comparison to Ghost of Tsushima?
Assassin's Creed Shadows has revealed just how ugly the gaming community is.
MVP - don't You think that some heroes are MVP too often? I have this feeling that the "dmg /heal flooding" ones like Peni or C&D are favoured
Buff Loki’s Magazine Size From 10 to 12
So what are the things you *didn't* like about Shadows gameplay-reveal so far ?
Scarlet Witch's Ult
Assassin's Creed Shadows Gameplay Previews & Impressions Megathread
The lack of variety isn't the reason why there are so few "tank players" imo.
what’s one thing you hate people say about your main/the people that play your main?
What is the one character ANYONE can play/be good with?
What assassins creed game have you spent the longest time on and why?
I want to clear some things up