How do you prepare for what the world is going to throw at your kid?
The Deal (V2)
The Deal: CYOA
Your jumper is allowed to speak up to 10 words to their past self a day before they became a jumper. What do they say?
Tackled another cupboard.
“I’m going to defend my baby”
Birth control?
Have the voices given you good ideas?
what should i write in my letters to my brother in the psych ward?
I started dating my schizophrenic neighbor and its going great!
selfie sunday :)
Why do you keep living?
Boomer fails to listen, finds out consequences
Opa ontsnapt van de politie
Mom is scared 😆
Well, it finally happened
Tons of boomers flipped me off, called me a F*g, one even made a death threat. But not a single one actually denied it. They know what he is.
Lots of boomers mad at school cancellations due to winter storms this year. "If I had to suffer, these kids should too."
Boomers can’t stand to be called the very names and slurs they used for their parents and grandparents, claiming sensitivity issues.
They won't shut up
Why do boomer parents always act like they have no idea why you’re cutting them off (even though you told them repeatedly)?
Lesbians wear waistcoats
Boomer being fool in the sauna.
The hate for single moms is weird.
CMV: spanking your child is fine
Breeding like rabbits - I thought humans are more than that.