Am I ready for the DLC?
Buena idea regresar a Mexico?
So I Just Started Playing…. HOW DO I STOP GETTING MY ASS KICKED… I’m tired of Losing 😂
What Boss gave u an unnecessary long time ?
What did he expected?
Beta Acceptance Emails Are Going Out!
Ya no puedo aguantar mas
Yeah, having a Maiden is Cool. But have you ever Perfectly Deflected Morgotts Rapid Armament Attack?
Don’t summon right next to the boss door. Worst mistake of my life.
I've been seeing this player for month, unable to block him, constantly crashing my game whenever I meet him. Contacted Bandai but says they can't do anything, Steam just replies with auto response. I'm baffled my favorite part of the game has to be ruined like this. There's nothing I can do.
Indeed, the hardest part of this games is fall damage and my foolishness….
I keep getting killed by Radahn. Any tips?
I think I F#ckd up
You’ve gotta love when enemies self-terminate
Arcane or Faith
Recomendación de lasagna y pizza en CUU
Mejores tacos?
Los leo
Castillo del reliz
Qué pasa aquí
Comenten cuál juego los pone así?
Si tuvieras la oportunidad, en qué lugar de México empezarías de cero?
Qué es lo más morboso que se les ha pasado por la cabeza sexualmente hablando?
Que opinan de los bici antros?
Bear eats mother and son tacos right beside them while both try to stay calm.