What UFC should I buy? And how often/quick do they get back a positive return?
Flamelurker initial thoughts
4 months but finally finished
UFC vs Team cards
NHL Team Cards - Not Worth It
If I go for plat, should I do an unguided playthrough first?
Lady Maria initial thoughts
My DLC boss rankings with very brief explanation
How many incoming trade requests do you guys get a day?
I Wish Player Cards Were Re-sellable at Any Time, Even for 0 Rax
Are any of the DLC weapons missable?
Genuine question, how do people do this?
Bed of chaos is a top ____ fromsoft boss
How hard is Kos really
is this schedule too much?
does ANYONE ever trade jokic cards atp?
Defiled chalice was not difficult
Would you rather have 5 legendary teams or 1 iconic team?
Ayo, quick question, new to this-
Team cards
Wish me luck
Ufc resell details
No Way! I just beat the Cleric Beast second try!