Estou cansado de ser esse "Eu"
Need help trying not to be myself
Como voltar a acender aquela chama?
Don't know how to make her love me back.
How do I [20M] get her[18F] back to the way she was?
I need her back to the way she was and don't know how.
[ Removed by Reddit ]
I'm scared of what I've done and what I am now
AITA for hurting her?
AITA for hurting her
Why was I(20M) surprisingly aggressive to her(18F)?
How do I [20M] stop having struggles with my gf [18F]?
Dicas pra quem namora uma estressadinha
[20M/18F] How should we deal we this?
Is she the crazy one or me?
Two sexually controllers in the bed
Sou eu H20 ou ela M18?
What's that arabic song that everybody play, that tingilingi tingilingi? (Sorry for that tingling part)
URGENT!!! I need to know if I'm crazy or not about something
URGENTE!!! Eu preciso saber se estou paranóico
I finished it a few days ago and it's hard to get over it
Terminei a dias e ta difícil superar
AITA for gettin mad at my gf bc of er ex
AITA for gettin mad at my gf bc of her ex?