My favourite Surah
I just want to go to jannah after all this Dunya
Does anyone have stories of the impossible being possible.
please make dua for me
How can I be a good Muslim ?
Unintended benefits of reverting to Islam (From my experience)
Dua for Exam Results
I am looking for an education
Why does jealousy destroy good deeds?
can having tattoos affect your work life in morocco ??
Join Islam
I ruined my life
Allah’s Love: Closer than your own heart
What are the signs my prayer being accepted?
Will Allah answer my impossible Dua?
Alhamdullilah I completely all my salah for Rajab
How do you know if you're a good Muslim?
I cannot make my way back to Allah
Is music haram for everyone ?
What is one way Islam made your life better or one reason you are grateful for Islam?
Should I shake hands with my male Muslim co-worker
Allah can cure anything
How to stop feeling jealous of others success
how do i tell my parents that hitting me is not bringing me closer to my religion