I don’t get the whole ‘all INTJ’s must have a big ego and god complex’.
Mbti type poll
Whats up with the INTJ and INFJ’s
Comment Your MBTI and Favourite Animal.
What are the subreddits you've joined which fall under your mbti stereotype?
I'm an AMA. INTJ.
Why are there a lot more people who type themselves as INxJ, compared to other types?
If you could be another Type for a day, What would you be?
Female ENTJ love match
Why do a lot of extroverts, especially ExFJ types assume that when introverts aren’t speaking it’s because they’re sad or moody?
How old do you think is old enough to go outside on your own? (To go places besides school and without supervision)
Who is more eloquently spoken?
Which type is entp most week to?
29 male INFJ. AMA
What MBTI type would Naruto and Sasuke be?
Who would you prefer to be stuck in a room with for an hour?
One is is dangerous, the other is a fluff ball.
It’s true guys.
Is texture a big factor for you to enjoy food?
What is the MBTI of most of your favorite musicians?
Let’s see
what is your mbti type and what is your favourite type and why?
For who knows, which one do you prefer?
Why are INTJs so hot?
Type each person in this convo