Ejaculating in space?
Grillos Quality Control
This sub made this happen
Grillos hype
After hours and hours of trying to figure out what the iced vanilla berry tastes like, I figured it out
favorite type of edible?
Any feedback on these?
Help with another Gummy Recipe
Does anyone know how to actually make Swedish Fish?
Lion poop
Recommendations for an exploration/fighting game?
Who is this?
Postcard from Stamford
Off-center dollar - worth anything?
Gelatin and its odor
It has been brought to my attention that our mayor is a poor tipper
Is this petrified wood?
god or cod?
People have been asking for more pictures of, Ursa the now 11 day old Great Pyrenees/Black Lab mix. So here she is!
DAE also eat the mango skin when eating the rest of the fruit?
Christmas Tree Pickup
This soap in an upscale French restaurant’s bathroom
Best grinder places?
Anyone try these?