Maybe next time don't run a 180 and a scout. We have special weapons for a reason.
Left Plate at Herald... The Dungeon
LFG's will never financially recover from this.
What build with hunter should I use for the Warpriest encounter in the King's Fall raid?
Just a reminder to tell your fellow liberals that they didn't fail anyone. They were failed by DNC leadership
Cleaning out my vault when I remembered the Warlock glaive technically exists
OK so... Immaru post The Final Shape campaign
Shout out to the real mvp's of Vesper
The Tithes: Harvest ending
Rate my Xenos... I mean Xenos Inquisitor... I mean Ordos Xenos Inquisitor.
Getting Ready for Tomorrow
Average Excision experience
Wanted to try designing around the new ritual robes
Leaked pre TFS strikes
Rhulk tip. You can have one invis hunter go into the arena to shoot glave and dunk while everyone else stays on the stairs, only briefly dipping in to shoot crits.
This weeks twink obliterator
Meta Well Builds that aren't Phoenix or Sunbracers?
Did Atraks platinum within the time limit and none of us got progress. Bug or is score not determined by getting platinum/finishing before the time limit?
How do i get good amount of glimmer?
Returning Player
Pro Onslaught Tip: You get to do more damage to enemies if you thow batteries at them. Trust me, I'm from the internet.
What combinations are you excited for on the exotic bond? The first I thought of was [SES/Nez] to juice up the needlestorm and give it a really quick cooldown (along with all abilities)
Damn it Traveler! I was photographing the sun.
Into the Light Pantstheon leak
Just confirming that The Slammer can be used to well skate.