What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
Some tips on defining waves/less frizz
How can I define my waves better/less frizzy?!
Counselors/therapists: any agency recs for post grad jobs?
Things you should know/learn while in your early 20s
What is the weirdest gift you have ever received?
Adding more weight into lifting
Helpful things to know when looking for your first job post grad school?
How can I vamp up my makeup????
Looking for jobs post grad
Thinking about moving to the Twin Cities..what’s your favorite thing about living there?
Fans of dead celebrities, which death hurt you the most?
Favorite Mel Robbin’s episodes?
What saved you from your deep dark depression?
The difference!!!
How does one keep hope/positivity during this time?
Single people, what’s keeping you single? How’s single life going?
Favorite gf tortillas?
What are things you should know/learn about in your early 20s as you enter the "real world?"
Weekly student question thread!
What are things you wished you knew more about/learned about while in school before practicing?
When the world/news seems to be so negative, what keeps you hopeful?
I recently saw a post about how every pokémon is someone’s favorite and I thought it was so wholesome. Who is that villager for you?
Favorite GF recipes for one person?
What keeps you afloat when feeling overwhelmed with bad news around the world, etc?