Swan couple reunited after illness treatment
Birds cleaning the neighbourhood
Far-right extremist taken to medical care after bites by German police K9 during special forces raid
This takes it to another level
Mr. Bean
First pics of new Tesla model SS
Ajax beat Feyenoord 2-1!
Help me
Hard to beat gaming setup.
So I made this LEGO set inspired by Amsterdam's coffeeshops
Got charged $2089.51 for a fucking AMBULANCE RIDE. I am about to lose my fucking shit right now.
Can a man bring flowers on the first date?
Woman is impatient with her order
Idiots attack bin men after road rage incident
Perfect height
🇪🇺🇺🇸 Let the trade war commence
Is there any basic sets of Lego technic available?
this is why TV's should go up high
Yeah, fuck your political posts on here. Here's a fucking polar bear.
Welke BN’ers vinden andere mensen vaak stom, maar vind jij eigenlijk wel leuk?
Cybertruck spotted in Germany
Cybertruck mit albanischer Zulassung in Koblenz gesichtet
"The US can take on the entire world simultaneously with little to now casualties"
He knows, "practice makes perfect."