Which group is taking this
Can we all agree that MIKU still soloes?
Who's winning this
I think this is a much more fair matchup taking Saitama's current feats into consideration.
Who do y'all think wins?
Tell me a character who beats Goku (same tier)
Who's winning?
Who's the weakest character that beats Gojo?
They're pointing at you asking you who wins, so who does?
Who wins? Equal stats, no powers, just skills and techniques
I’m actually curious now. Why isn’t the afterlife in DB outerversal?
Goku beat saitama ezzz ez jajajajaja
Who is the punching bag of power scalers or this community in general
Who would win this 2 vs 2?
Who wins?
Who Wins. 1 Billion Mahoragas vs 1 One of Each Cookie Run Cookie.
“Goku Solos All Fiction” ALL fiction?
This is bait
Can BOS Luffy vs EOS Ichigo?
What characters are like this?
What's your fav song off realer 1
What's the fastest way to level up?
Name the weakest character that can beat Darth Vader.
Both are Isekai btw
The last fictional character photo you saved are gonna try to hunt you down, how screwed are you?