Write down 5 things you are grateful for.
Challenge with job stability
“I’ll make you the mother of my baby”
How does a relationship happen? Like, how do they start? There must be something I do not know.
What is your comfort movie or the movie you find funniest?
I just got diagnosed - how do I tell people that I'm autistic?
Fellow autistic people of reddit. what's it like to have a high sensitivity to hearing/light?
Any Hispanic or black women childfree and marriage free?
Why do people who have experienced trauma invalidate trauma?
Don't feel guilty about being safe
What songs make you feel seen as an autistic person ?
Which cartoon’s world would you want to live in? I’ll go first:
What did you do today that only CF adults can do ☺️?
overstimulation advice
Daily inspirations to NOT have kids
What music do you listen to?
Is anyone else stuck in this freeze “brace for impact learned helplessness” response?
How do I not make my partner upset?
Mommy AND Daddy issues
How do you deal with straight pieces?
Anyone childfree and black here?
What do you think I should think about this?
I'm starting to dislike being "the sweet one"
Favorite podcasts?
work reprimand sensitivity