Video of some of the Alien changes. PTB vs Live
After showing the other Ink Spots records and playing "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire" how about I show you "We Three" by the Ink Spots
Here's another record I showed and figured I'd show it off. This is "Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall" by the Ink Spots and Ella Fitzgerald
Really curious if this could work down the line
I'm going to be posting videos of the Ink Spots records that I showed. Here's the first one. Here is "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire"
I collect old shellac records ranging from 1910s up to late 1940s. I never realized I owned most of the iconic Ink Spots records and are all original copies!
I just love making my guns realistic or based on historical events/figures
After a year of waiting and many a emails.
Got the Lorenzo and Rachel Waterman plushies. So I had to do something special for these guys!
Want to know your stories or moments
Has anyone else gotten their VHS tape from Retro Release Video?
It was always obvious the Quest 3 was more capable than this..
Anyone have any experience with the haritorax 2 trackers?
So I did Abraham Lincoln in online. The smug look just made it perfect. I also made his personal Henry rifle
Are your Guns Authentic, Silver or you one of those all Gold Freaks
So I just got Undertale after knowing about it for about 6 or so years. Completed true pacifist and neutral a day ago right? While doing genocide (so my 3rd playthrough) I come across Gaster. Isn't he rare to find?
Seems legit...
Trying to make a creepy but cool Huntress. Should I keep the axe or swap it out either the bone axe? And what do you think of it?
Help Me Choose A Turntable For Playing ONLY 78 RPM Records
Isn't it just satisfying when you land your hatchet shots?
So I replaced Gearhead on my Huntress build with Nowhere To Hide. Been popping hatchet hits and 4ks like never before. If anyone wants to try this out, go ahead!
Curious on if this build is good. Mostly practicing and doing hatchet hits and so far has done really good. But if there's any other builds huntress mains would recommend, tell me about them
Some new info about the Titan 250 D
i still dont understand about how people looked at this mf dead body and said "Yeah he died in his sleep" image from
Voicemod Key/App honest review