Whats everyone's thoughts on Arc subclasses now?
NPO doet monsterbezuiniging: programma's gaan sneuvelen in 2026
De lobby zit er vuistdiep in!
Bestuurder van het jaar!
Nederlandse imamopleiding, lagere uitkering voor werkweigerende nieuwkomer en betere regels voor luide gebedsoproepen
I would still prefer crafting BUT the Tome of Want and how frequently weapons drops in The Nether feels much much better than tonics
Whirling Maelstrom goes unbelievably hard in Nether
Thunderlord and Bolt Charge/ Storm’s keep
Bungie claims it's a feel thing, it most definitely is not.
Meeste GroenLinks-PvdA-kiezers willen nieuwe linkse partij, maar liever met Jesse Klaver dan Frans Timmermans als leider
Don't hate me but.....I like the nether as it is.
I love the new activity, but it seems like the only way to make arc viable in the endgame is to not allow other classes to heal.
5/6 Hunter Subclasses offer at least one aspect with three fragment slots, while only 1/6 Warlock subclasses do the same. Can Warlocks get an aspect with three fragments slots outside of Prismatic?
I love that power level is disabled for nether. I would just love for power to be taken out of the game.
Return of the thunderlord meta.
Tome of Want is INCREDIBLY generous with rewards
Void Aspect "On The Prowl" Is Very Unique, And It Is Important You Understand HOW It Works
Sign placed at partners old workplace
Rehabilitatie en windmolens zijn de kenmerken van BruinRechts™ 🌍🙏🏻💯
CDA & PvdA-GL: ‘Laat Syriërs die terug willen eerst kijkje nemen’
Hezen Vengeance can get Envious Arsenal and Bait and Switch
the artifact lore card has a massive reveal in it (spoiler obviously)
i don't know about others, but i really, really prefer the old UI. Is there an option to roll back to it?
Bungie Help: As part of the investigation into today's server and stability issue, we will be bringing Destiny 2 offline shortly for maintenance. Stand by for updates.